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Dr Bryyon Lambert
Wendy Pratt

Anatomical Engineering
To recognise and bring to optimum performance the human suspension system

Everyone who’s suitable. More importantly those in their growing cycle 0 – 21 years old.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have
Axiom; Only by obeying the fundamental principles of engineering can a machine have perfect function. The human body is a machine.
Definition: A fundamental principle of engineering is the SUSPENSION SYSTEM – The suspension system cushions a mobile machine from gravity, damaging shocks, excessive wear and tear, and deterioration. The human body is a mobile machine.
Quote: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” Benjamin Franklin
Disclaimer. Anatomical Engineering is for information purposes only. Non-medical. The accuracy, currency and completeness of this information is not guaranteed. We do not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by use or reliance on this information. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Always consult your professional if you are in any way concerned about your health and physical competence, and that of those who rely on you.
THE AUTHORS of this website are mechanical engineers and experienced sports trainers. The indiscriminate use of any of the information contained in this website, and enhancing physical attributes by any means without the correct engineering protocols, may produce increased performance when young, but will lead to unpleasant consequences when aged.
This website is based on Newtonian physics.
This website attempts to detail a contentious technical issue. It does not detail the methodology. This being only accomplished live.
Anatomical Engineering Put Simply
The malleable human frame must be artfully set to a precise pattern and performance between birth and 21 years of age, and maintained thereafter.
Human bodies have the musculo-skeletal system. Developing physical attributes, such as larger muscles, faster running, range of movement, or co-ordination, such as in boxing, is very muscle oriented. Most physical enhancing programs, or anything else for that matter, give little or no thought in shaping the skeleton.
Although Anatomical Engineering concerns the body as a whole, much of its application is skeletal. It is more difficult to develop and set the skeletal system than the muscular system. Therefore, for best results, it is vital that the application of this philosophy starts early in life when the body, particularly the bones, are much more malleable. For the rest of us just improving our suspension somewhat is better than allowing it to unknowingly deteriorate. We train for just about everything, missing the most important ideal; Engineering Perfection.
Not to be confused by seemingly being just another system of techniques, or just another health program, Anatomical Engineering uniquely uses assisted movements, manual correction, moulding exercises and specialised equipment to accomplish set goals. It is not-hit or-miss, or quick-fix. Much experience and skill over many years is needed for accurate results.
This philosophy answers the perplexing question as to why the human body can be trained to exhibit a single curve spine and perform almost impossible arial gymnastic skills, both thought unnecessary for disease free everyday existence and longevity.
Health is not all in the Chemical, it’s also in the Mechanical.
Mechanical mobile machines, whether metal, such as Formula One cars, or biological, such as human bodies, are composed of fundamental materials, such as carbon, iron, oxygen, etc.
Most car breakdowns are seen as mechanical faults of the parts, whereas bodily ailments are treated as chemical distortions of the materials. However, rather than in the chemical structures of the materials, many bodily ailments also have their genesis in mechanical faults.
The Authors theorise that many bodily disorders and ageing are the results of faults, not to the chemical structures, but predominately to the postural mechanical suspension system. To name a few disorders; adhesions, non-specific inflammations, Parkinson’s, Alzheimers, dementias, asthma, Chrones, arthritis, cancers, high-low blood pressures, diabetes, motor-neurone disorder, eye disorders, endometriosis, infertility, menstrual disorders, headaches, scoliosis, migraines, sinusitis, hip and knee breakdown, varicose veins, spinal disorders, ptosis of organs, osteoporosis, psoriasis, Dupuytren contracture, impotence, erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, ad infinitum.
Some mechanical dysfunction is related to specific growth phases where the system is under greater load, exacerbating any mechanical weaknesses, producing various symptoms and or disorders. These growth phases are teething and puberty and hence our growth program has additional components around these growth phases to help maintain mechanical integrity through these phases. Childhood complaints such as adenoids, glue ear, poor eye sight, tonsillitis, acne, asthma, sinusitis, excessive excitement etc., are related to teething while teen-age problems such as scoliosis, menstrual difficulties and weakness in females are related to puberty.
The mechanical-hydraulic-elastic functions, unlike nature’s materials, are potentials at birth that can only be fully developed by artificial training.
Newtonian Gravity
By Dr Bryyon Lambert
With acknowledgement to Professor Enstein who said that space-time pushes us into the ground.
Unseen gravity tickles our toes,
Seemingly disconnected from our woes,
Tickling, trickling, light as a feather,
Downward pulled go we together.
Born soft and juicy, elastic fantastic,
Our anatomy develops a decline most drastic,
We shrink, scar, twist, sag and bend,
Becoming little and brittle if we last to the end.
Oblivious of our implacable foe,
Suffering endless nasties as we go,
Imperceptibly, insidiously, horribly and slow,
Dragged viciously, go we into our graves below.
But dawning comprehension,
Of our amazing suspension,
Allows intercession,
From fatal compression.

Anatomical Engineering is a system of applying mechanical principals principally, and most importantly, to the growth stage, from birth to 21 years, and thereafter to subsequent phases of life. The view-point being that the human body is not just a cellular-chemical fabrication, but a complex, biological, high-precision engineered, mechanical mobile machine equiped with an overlooked sophisticated hydro-elastic suspension system that has to be ARTIFICIALLY DEVELOPED and SET, This development and setting ensures a higher level of protection from motion hazards, and our unseen antagonist, gravitational drag.
Professor Ernest Eckford Tucker 1914 “Everything composed of mechanical parts is subject to disorder among those parts. From this axiom there is no appeal. If anything depends on the order, then that thing will be deranged by the disorder. The greater the number of parts, the greater the disorder. And the human body is composed of a great number of parts.
Dr. Bryyon Lambert 2014 “Composed of mechanical parts, a machine with a function of bending and torsion, ie. elasticity, is subject to distortion, ie. plasticity. From this axiom there is no appeal. If anything depends on correct elasticity, then that thing will be deranged by plasticity. The greater amount of elasticity, the greater amount of plasticity. And the human body has a great amount of elasticity.
The American Institute of Mechanical Engineering – The Philosophy of Parts “A machine can be divided into discrete parts. These parts must conform to (a) the material/s of the part (b) the shape of the part (c) the tolerance of the part (relative to the other parts)” Therefore, all machines, including human, function optimally in accordance to the accuracy of their parts, and that are “set” and “maintained” within specific design parameters.
All mobile machines have, of necessity, a suspension system. The suspension system, utilising the principles of force dissipation, ensures that the mobile machine is adequately cushioned between set structural load parameters. The mobile vertically stacked human body is no exception, being equiped with a very subtle collection of parts forming a total vertical mobile hydro-elastic suspension system.
This elusive suspension system is not your total height per-se, but if it’s in the long aspect you are taller than if it’s short. Most of us only ever use an insufficient mid-portion of our total suspension travel availability, i.e. everyone sags to some degree. Critically, even by a few thousandths of a millimetre, the unmonitored sag may ultimately lead to many and varied disorders.
An aged person stands with bent knees and bandy legs, sagging buttocks, bent-over spine and hooked neck. The author lightly describes this distortion of postural mechanics as ” The Dropped Hips Syndrome.” This syndrome starts to form early in life. The exact opposite condition, described in this website as ‘Extended Suspension”, can only be achieved through favourable genetics or specific development programs.
Few of the myriad physical development programs enhance our suspension system. The reverse is true. Most human activity, without accurate knowledge and maintenance of suspension systems, actually degrade the human suspension system. The result being that almost all of us, even super-elite athletes, whilst appearing normal, are actually unknowingly ambulating with distorted suspensions having everted feet, posterior-inferior pelvi, triple-curved spines, compressed spinal discs, and unseen anatomical lesions etc., all initiating further distortion. Similar to a poorly serviced car rolling with under-inflated tyres, weak springs, worn shock absorbers and warped chassis, therefore being imperceptibly and prematurely rattled and jolted into further wear and tear. The high-precision parts engineering of human vertical suspension remaining unnoticed.
An aircraft landing with damaged landing gear perhaps further emphasises the point.
Our mechanical engineering techniques artificially develops and sets the birth-to-21 body into a precise elongated suspension configuration, and maintains it thereafter. This longer suspension configuration produces qualities such as strength, bounce-recoil and elasticity, and full range of movement. These qualities provide maximum shock absorbency, optimises anatomical and physiological functions, maintains long term youthfulness, and minimises anatomical wear and tear.
The phenomena of “civilised sag” has been previously observed. Leni Riefenstahl and others noted that certain native tribes had prominently different anatomy compared to more civilised societies. Is civilised living altering us away from a more naturalistic development? In a nut-shell, have we become so dependent on our external technology (the environment we’ve created), at the expense of our internal technology?
Gravitational drag causes anatomical sag. Anatomical Engineering eliminates the sag

5 Years old
Extended Posture
Back and Front view

Have you ever chased a spider?
The Spider and its outrageous suspension system.
Eight multi-lever, neuro-hydro-elastic bounce/snap suspension. Eight legs with correct caster, camber and toe. Multi-directional steering control, all-terrain horizontal, vertical and ceiling traction control. Full landing suspension. Snap acceleration 0-100 kms. under 1 second.
Nature’s lever ground suspension systems.
8 leg arachnid, 6 leg insect, 4 leg mammal,
2 leg perhaps; ape, grasshopper, flea, kangaroo, bird etc
2 leg leapers that have specific shock-absorbing take-off and landing suspension; grasshopper, flea, kangaroo, bird, homo-sapiens
2 leg multi-purpose; only homo sapiens can leap, can pirouette on toes of one foot, and can back-flip.

Although I am immensely fortunate to discover the high-precision information contained in this website, I cannot own it anymore than anyone can own the principals of engineering, Nevertheless, because the actual application of this information is my unique contribution, I feel I do own that. It is difficult to teach the techniques via Internet. However, I am happy to pass on this philosophy and techniques personally to those mechanically minded and able to commit to serious study and practise.
Muscular – skeletal – nervous – integumentary – endocrine – lymphatic – digestive – respiratory – reproductive – cardiovascular – urinary —– and now the human suspension system
The human suspension system consists of
1. Parts composed of the correct materials, the correct shape, and of the correct tolerance
2. Tensile bones, rubbery-elastic tonus tissues
3. Mechanical setting of feet, legs and pelvis [toe-camber-caster]
4. Accurate caster angle of pelvis
5. Single anterior curve [lordotic] spine
6. Appropriate spinal mechanics
7. Adequate aortic-femoral pressure
8. Appropriate neuro-muscle control
9. Internal/external Range of Movement
10. Extended standing posture
11. Proper length of suspension travel.
Almost exclusively young, the daredevil practitioners of Parkour practice their prodigious grasshopper-like leaps between precipitous buildings, landing on hard surfaces with violent impact. Not so hazardous, but perhaps more flexible, are the practitioners of Tricking. Throwing themselves in the air, twisting and landing at impossible angles, similar to an aircraft landing in a cross-wind. Rarely breaking any bones, or anything else for that matter, these dynamic athletes demonstrate the amazing shock-absorbing and snap capabilities, via buoyancy and elasticity, of the Human Suspension System when young.
Most people are born with these remarkable embryonic capabilities, but never develop them. In so doing, they will always have a weaker system against, not only gravity, but also the normal shocks of life. Then often enduring a lifetime of unpleasant symptoms. Ending their days, if lasting that long, in nursing homes, with bone fluid draining from their eyes, hunched over, with no elasticity and bounce-recoil remaining. This deterioration is not the natural ageing process, but the inadvertent loss of suspension capability.
We don’t expect you to jump off buildings in your Eighties, or even Nineties. But we do want you to be up dancing at least. [ Bryyon is 88, still dancing, and a bit more. ]
Below is a list of some not so obvious comparisons
Human Body-Shock Absorber–The total human body is a neuro-elastic-hydraulic vertical shock-absorber, mostly concerned with axial cushioning.
Brain-Generator–Brain generates electricity
Head-Damper–Head is a weight damper, cushioning sharp movements of the thorax.
Atlas-Washer–Atlas is a washer, acting as a load-bearing spacer between occiput and axis.
Ear-Chimney–Ear opening is a chimney, ear-wax being precipitation via ceruminous glands.
Cysterna Chyli-Reservoir–Cysterna Chyli is a lymphatic reservoir, bolstering the flow of lymph to the heart.
Heart-Mixmaster–Heart is a substance-mixer, churning venous blood, chyle, lymph and oxygen.
Aorta-Pressure Regulator–Aorta is the fifth chamber of the heart, regulating blood pressure by bio-feedback. Together with the femoral arteries and muscular system helps maintain vertical posture
Fifth lumbar and disc-Engine mount. 5L and disc acts as a support damper similar to an engine mount.
Appendix-Oilcan–Appendix is an oil-can, greasing the cecum and ileo-cecal valve.

The same on both sides

Pre teething, teething and post teething

Crawling - intermediate transition from horizontal to vertical
Crawling to Standing

Pelvic - Leg Geometry
Caster, camber and toe
Pelvic tilt

Position and curvature

Ribs, thorasic inlet, shoulders

Rotation and side bending

Shape and position
Not quite in the same league as the spider running upsidedown at top speed across your ceiling, the Formula 1 racing car is nevertheless a masterpiece of metal suspension engineering. The development from the horse and cart to the Formula 1 racing car has occurred within less than 200 years and it is still being improved. We have supposably taken millions of years to develop without a suspension system. The Formula 1 racing car suspension accounts for at least 2/3 of its performance. In our tumultuous “race of life” are we having myriad physical problems due to ignorance of our super-developed, suspension system ?
Anatomical Engineering applies from birth. It is specifically designed for those in their growing cycle, 0 – 21 years old. However it can be applied, where appropriate, to anyone,.
Please contact us to enquire how you can apply Anatomical Engineering

Dr Bryyon Lambert

Wendy Pratt – Associate
What PEOPLE are saying…

Tony Adams
Venture Capitalist
“The technicians at Gravitechnics simply did an amazing job on adressing my chronic lower back pain. I cannot speak highly enough of Wendy and Bryyon’s work. I highly recommend them.”
Race Treloar
I was diagnosed with Scheuermann’s Disease when I was 14. Two orthopaedic specialists at the children’s hospital diagnosed me and recommended, in the first instance that I wear a back brace which I did for a couple of years. Wearing the brace did not improve my condition. They then proposed to install harington rods on either side of the spine which would have remained in place for the rest of my life.
My parents did not initially accept the solution of installing harington rods, they investigated other solutions to treat my condition. My parents friend recommended Bryyon who at the time was being treated by him for skeletal issues that affected her walking. I first started being treated by Bryyon when I was 16 and undertook a treatment programme where I would initially see him on a fortnightly basis, shortly afterwards I started to feel the benefit of the treatment.
Bryyon’s treatment removed the excessive curvature and straightened my spine which essentially has reversed the effects of Scheuermann’s Disease. The treatment has realigned my back posture so it is now much straighter and closer towards the correct back posture than what most people’s back posture is. I still receive treatment from Bryyon and Wendy to ensure that my back posture is maintained and remains in its current position.
Bryyon and Wendy understand biomechanics which enables them to apply mechanical principles to their treatment with huge success which results in better outcomes than conventional medical procedures.

Anthony Weisz
Property Maintenance
” I had a serious case of iritis and the “normal” avenue of seeing a doctor in hospital ended up with a course of steroids.
The head opthalmologist had no clue how it happened but said “here take this and come back twice a week for check ups” this went on for 6 months, with no improvement. It was also extremely inconvenient and cost me alot, being away from my business.
I suddenly realised, I can see Bryyon, who my mother took me to see many times as a child, and ask him to have a look. He asked me what physically happened to me around the time of the injury and I said “I wemt water skiing”
Bryyon was certain I traumatised the vervous system of my eye from the heavy tumbles into the water. Over a couple of months Bryyon did various Gravitechnics techniques “without steroids” which fixed my eye and has been perfect since (8 years now)
Bryyon understands the biomechanics of the body and to be frank the body is a mechanical machine compared to doctors that treat the body as a chemically run organisum

Diane Muller
Social Media Consultant
“Several years ago I had bad neck pain from long hours on the keyboard. Bryyon and Wendy explained clearly what the issues were, applied their Gravitechnics techniques and I am no longer in pain!”

Zach Topez
Software Developer
“I had no idea what Gravitechnics was but after the work they did on fixing my posture issues I am a total fan of it now. Keep up the great work Bryyon and Wendy”