From Birth – Anatomical Engineering
Precis of physical improvement
Humans, at and from birth, are the least developed of all creatures. Whereas most creatures are almost viable for normal existence at birth, humans need much more time to attain full potential for normal existence. Creatures take approximately 10% of their lifespan to mature, humans need approximately 25-30% of their lifespan to mature.
Wild creatures are programmed to mature by their wild environment, enabling them to exist in their wild environment. Ergo “Survival of the ablest”. Humans, living in an artificial world of their own creation, have to apply the same artificial logic in their programs of maturity, enabling them to exist in their artificial environment. Otherwise for us it is “Survival of the luckiest”.
To sum up, unlike all other creatures, humans have to be specifically artificially trained from birth, not only in schools, but in gymnasiums, if you will, to comfortably exist in their artificial environment.
Currently, these artificial programs do exist, but are superficial, specifically in the omission of Anatomical Engineering.
The main physical properties dormant in human babies needing artificial maturity are strength, elasticity, buoyancy, and a certain kind of engineering exactitude. These properties not only have to be developed from birth, but also maintained thereafter.
Failure to achieve a certain excellence in the artificial programmes results in less life satisfaction, and in most likely ending life from a chronic engineering breakdown, presently erroneously described as disease.
Specific dormant properties to be enhanced from cradle to grave are described here separately, but in reality are interdependent.
Bodily strength can be divided into all-over physical robustness, such as density and tensility of bone and firmness of tissue, and the ability to exert considerable muscular force in any form of physical activity, such as fast running, lifting heavy weights, high-jumping etc.
Strength enhancing program comprises resistance overload, such as weight training or manual work, sports programs, etc.
Not only the flexibility to move body parts to the full range of motion, but also the inherent elasticity of all the bodily structures.
Flexibility enhancing program comprises yoga, gymnastics, dancing, forced overstretch such as contortion, etc.
In its wildest aspects an almost indefinable condition of lightness of being whereby human bodies are able to perform highly acrobatic feats, and climb tall buildings barehanded, ie no safety net. Mere mortals have to be satisfied with just able to perform a backward somersault.
Buoyancy enhancing program comprises of climbing tall buildings barehanded, base jumping, Parkour, rapid and convulsive aerial movements such as trapeze, etc., ie. the more risk the better. HAHA
Engineering Exactitude,
Human bodies are dynamic constructions built on specific engineering concepts, ie, Proper Plans, Perfect Prototypes, Philosophy of Parts etc. The Philosophy of Parts decrees a delineation between cells, chemistry and fluids etc. on one hand, and structures which may be termed Parts on the other hand. Following dividing bodies into parts, the engineering accuracy of the material of the parts, the shape of the parts, and the tolerance of the parts can be evaluated.
Engineering enhancing program comprises all techniques, such as manipulation, force squeezing, patterning, corrective surgery, etc. to reform body structures to a SPECIFIC pattern.
Like all mobile machines, ie. F1 cars etc, mobile human bodies composed of accurate parts, able to perform mobile activities properly, have to be pre-set, ie. tuned, into a particular configuration, ie. The Posture of Anatomical Engineering.
Leaving human maturation and long term health to chance ignores the concept of all artificial training. It negates the idea of improvement by artificial means from the earliest opportunity. If Olympic gold medals solely for sport can only be achieved by artificial programs, surely a long healthy life attained by artificial programs commenced sooner than later, best from birth, is not an overly alien concept.
Failure to develop and maintain the potential available in babies is a serious omission, thereby disallowing persons to ever function optimally.
The preceding elaboration does not preclude physiology, such as hormones, blood pressure and rate, blood analysis, digestive juices, spinal fluid, cellular activity, etc. It does however, in contradiction to modern science, place physiology subservient to the above.
Copyright Dr Bryyon Lambert D.O.[Fr] Anatomical Engineer 2019